That's- ל ראוד חולשמ
מכתב אישי ל- That's
T h a t ' s    A l l    F o l k s
2010 - Page no. 14

Many scores of Israeli refugees made their way on the roads leading to Tel-Aviv. Huge traffic jams completely blocked
all of the traffic arteries which led to the south, preventing the already sparse IDF reinforcements which were still active,
to move northwards or to present any kind of defensive line.

Although during their flight, the blocking of the roads by the cars of frightened citizens somewhat delayed the progress
of the invading armies, the columns of the Arab armies were still able to race alongside the roads, in trampled fields,
since their tanks and military vehicles had excellent navigability. The masses of Israelis sitting in their cars,
stuck on the roads, stared at them with unbelieving eyes. These columns were the targets for the target range
being held against the poor citizens. Sometimes women were kidnapped from the refugee convoys and were raped,
and in many cases, enemy soldiers would loot some luxury car, appending it to the columns of tanks and trucks
driving southwards.

In a dramatic radio announcement, the government of Israel notified its citizens that all children and babies,
aged two to 14, should be evacuated to the vessels of the Israeli commercial fleet and the Israeli war fleet to Turkey,
to remove them from harm's way. The government of Israel thanked the government of Turkey for its humanitarian aid.

Many vessels of the Israeli commercial fleet took tens of thousands of children and young babies on board,
and social and medical staff also joined the ships. The chain of evacuation continued until nightfall,
when the first shells began to fall on the city of Tel-Aviv.
Some shells were even aimed at the sea, at the Israeli commercial shipping fleet.

It was told that bloody riots were held among the citizens of Israel in order to be included in the staff which boarded
the ships in order to coordinate and manage the rescue operation. Heartbreaking scenes of families taking leave of each
other were documented in the last television broadcasts, and broadcast to the entire world.
Traumatic images from the past became news headlines.

The newspapers issued their last headline. Yedioth Aharonoth preferred the headline "The Fall of Israel".
In contrast, Ma'ariv had the headline on its last front page read "Farewell to Israel".

That's all folks

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רגאמב ןסחאל ,םגרתל ,טילקהל ,םלצל, קיתעהל ,לפכשל ןיא תורומש תויוכזה לכ ©
לכ רחא וא ינכמ ,יטפוא ,ינורטקלא יעצמא לכב וא ךרד לכב טולקל וא רדשל ,עדימ
רוסא הז רופיסב לולכה רמוחב גוס לכמ ירחסמ שומיש .הז רופיסמ אוהש רמוח
.That's All Folks ,ינממ בתכב תשרופמ תושרב אלא טלחהב

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